Find Your Why
In our continued series from our "28 Days To A Healthier You" course we'll be launching in February, finding your why is the next step after you've identified your values & goals. Anytime you seek change, finding out why you really want the change is tougher than it seems at first.
A great place to start? Invest a bit of time to examine why you're looking to implement change. Dig deep and discover what your goal is really all about. To get motivated you have to attach feelings to your goal.
But unlike motivation, your feelings tend not to waver. The more in touch you are with yourself & your feelings, the more consistently motivated you’ll feel on a daily basis.
Connecting the dots & panning out to see the bigger picture is what today's podcast explores. All the ways we can examine our goals, find our why, & create a better plan to succeed.
Including some ideas you might not have considered-like habits that impede, thinking about what brings joy, or at least a sense of fun, & a clearer perspective on who you want to be, not just what you want to do.
Let us know how we can help. Email us, & we'll send you our free "10 Easy Steps To Lifestyle Transitions" to prep you for joining us to make 2021 the healthiest-happiest year yet-Enjoy!
PS-Here's the link we've mentioned: Lucid Chart 7-Step